Who are we?

B.D.M.! Our vision, objective and culture are all in the title! Big Dog Mindset is not just a way of thinking or attitude. It embodies your way of life. How you prepare for every aspect of your life. How you approach your family, relationships and situations - as a Big Dog would! Some think it means to be loud, extreme and overly aggressive. Not in our book. It means standing tall in who you are, being confident in yourself and attacking your obstacles with a cunning stillness that will allow you to succeed! True Big Dogs garner respect when they enter a room with few words being exchanged. As heads turn, their posture and power becomes evident. Their moves and time are not wasted as they set their sites on a certain task and accomplish their desired results! We all have that inside, we sometimes need to be reminded! Just like the saying goes, “It’s not the size of the DOG in the FIGHT, but the size of the FIGHT in the DOG!” - BIG DOG MINDSET!!